Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition

Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition

80,00 DKK

- Denne varer er brugt


The follow-up to the critically acclaimed Super Street Fighter IV will further redefine the fighting game genre with classic 2D Street Fighter fighting action, a host of new and returning characters, beefed up online modes, and more. Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition features a roster of 39 characters such as Ryu, Chun-li, Juri, El Fuerte, and Rufus, while adding 4 new characters to the roster including classic combatants from previous Street Fighter games like Yun and Yang as well as the all-new Oni. Beyond characters, Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition adds all-new balancing as well as an enhanced Replay Channel.

  • New Playable Characters: Four new challengers enter the ring: Yun, Yang, Oni and Evil Ryu.
  • Updated Character Balancing: Features all new character balancing, further refining gameplay.
  • Updated Replay Channel:
    • Replay Follower: Be able to follow up to 5 separate player replays making it easier to find your favorite players' latest replay.
    • My Channel Advanced: Allows players to distribute their replay data to up to 50 players.
    • Elite Channel: Watch replay data from elite players who have a rating of 3000PP or more.
  • All playable SSFIV characters will be unlocked out of the box, including Yun & Yang, Oni, and Evil Ryu.



Original Boks








Model/Varenr.: 5744
Vægt: 0,3 kg.
Lagerstatus: På lager

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