Boogie SuperStar

Boogie SuperStar

55,00 DKK

- Denne varer er brugt


In Boogie SuperStar, players don't just play along, they are thestar of the game. Girls will have a blast belting their favorite tunesinto the microphone, and performing real dance moves that are capturedon screen using the Wii's motion-sensing technology. The journey tostardom doesn't have to be a solo! With two- and four-player modes,girls can play with their friends, sing and dance with their friendsor against them in fun competitions that show-off their singing anddancing talent!Players begin the game by customizing their character, choosingfrom millions of possible combinations to create a performer that isas unique as they are. They are then "discovered" and whisked away toan island where they learn what it takes to be a star. While on theisland, players build their singing and dancing skills, performing inposh environments fit for a rising star, including a studio, apoolside stage, a breath-taking terrace, and a yacht. Once performanceskills are perfected, girls are ready to perform for a panel of judgesin the ultimate competition, the Boogie Star Show! Only the best andthe brightest will be able to outshine the competition to become aBoogie SuperStar!



Original Boks





Model/Varenr.: 5519
Vægt: 0,3 kg.
Lagerstatus: På lager

  • Polering af disk

    Disken poleres en gang for at få det bedste resultat frem. Maskinen der blive anvendt, er en JFJ Easy Pro Disc Repair-maskine.

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