Franklin: A Birthday Surprise

Franklin: A Birthday Surprise

175,00 DKK

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Franklin a Birthday Surprise is a 3D platform adventure game in the cartoon universe including arcade sequences and mini games. The game is targeted at children aged 3-8 years. The platform levels scroll sideways and have been designed to immerse the child into Franklin's Universe - their favourite cartoon! The mini games are small arcade type games, which are unlocked as rewards as the child advances through the game. The player can replay the games on a multi-player basis with friends and family.

  • Play & interact with the beloved characters from Franklin's universe: Franklin the Turtle as well as his good friends Bear and Beaver!
  • Discover the wonderful world of Franklin in 10 great platform levels!
  • Unlock the 10 arcade-type mini-games and replay them whenever you want, alone or with multiple players.
  • Two exciting game modes: Adventure mode and Battle mode!







Model/Varenr.: 7015
Vægt: 0,15 kg.
Lagerstatus: På lager

  • Polering af disk

    Disken poleres en gang for at få det bedste resultat frem. Maskinen der blive anvendt, er en JFJ Easy Pro Disc Repair-maskine.

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